Damage the floods made to a school in Maglaj.
We are now six weeks to beginning of the new school year. The recovery from torrential rains that hit Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia in May causing flooding of rivers and thousands of landslides is painfully slow.
Our Emergency Team is working in the field, assessing the situation and giving us essential inputs where to direct our aid, but the damage is overwhelming and we are worried that upcoming cold autumn and winter months will bring numerous problems – inadequate housing, living expenses growing rapidly, and one that we will face fairly soon – unpreparedness for the new school year.
We have warned repeatedly in the past weeks that many schools are still unusable and it is still unknown if those schools will be ready for successful beginning of the new school year. As Save the Children we are doing our best to contribute to the rehabilitation and recovery of several schools that were damaged in floods and landslides all over BiH. There are some other organisations doing the same, but it is not enough, especially in this short period of time we have left until September.

Reconstruction of a classroom in a school in
We should not forget that re-establishing education process after natural and other disasters, for the psychosocial recovery of the youngest is of key importance. In our Child Friendly Spaces in BiH and Serbia we listened to children talking about their experiences – watching their homes being filled with water, running to safety, living in improvised shelters and we are partnering up with both international and local organisations to help children from affected areas to get back the feeling of 'normalcy'. We wouldn’t want to see, in addition, their education suffering due to emergency circumstances.
We will try to prevent this and make the lives of the students affected by floods easier by providing them with necessary school supplies, thus helping the families in need to get the kids ready for school.
And last but not the least, we are also calling on other donors and institutions to take part in ensuring conditions for the timely beginning of the new school year, in dry and renovated schools, with students having all they need to learn.